Effect of Foot Reflexotherapy in Patients with Familial Mediterranean Fewer (FMF) Attack
Author(s): Senol Dane*
Introduction: FMF symptoms occur in attacks that last from one-three hours to one-three days. They are fever, abdominal pain, chest pain, achy and swollen joints, a red rash on the legs, muscle aches. Evidences indicate that complementary or integrative approach may heal the symptoms of FMF attacks. The purpose of this study was to present the possible beneficial effects of foot reflexotherapy in patients with FMF attack.
Material and Methods: The subjects of the present study were six patients diagnosed with FMF. Pre- and post-tests were completed by the researcher using a Likert scale. The patients were treated with foot reflexotherapy twice each day during attack.
Results: There was statistically significant decrease in all FMF symptom scores after foot reflexotherapy.
Conclusion: Foot reflexotherapy was beneficial and amazingly effective in patients with FMF attack.