Effect of 1% Hyaluronic Acid and 0.20% Chlorhexidine Combina | 98112

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Effect of 1% Hyaluronic Acid and 0.20% Chlorhexidine Combination on Post Extraction Soft Tissue Healing: A Randomized Controlled Study

Author(s): Gharaa Amer Mohammed*, Sahar Shakir Al-Adili and Sahar Abdualkader Ismaeel


Introduction: Hyaluronic acid has become a common studied biomaterial for tissue engineering. Chlorhexidine is commonly used due to its bactericidal effect at 0.20% concentration inside the oral cavity. There is no previous study showing the combination action of hyaluronic acid and chlorhexidine in acceleration of post extraction tissue healing.

Materials and methods: This multi-center, randomized, controlled (split mouth) study was conducted during 6 months' period (1st of April to 30th of September 2021) in Baghdad. It included a convenient sample underwent bilateral extraction of premolars. Sockets were randomly divided into study sockets filled with periokin (0.20% chlorohexidie+HA1%) and control sockets filled with blood clot. The patients were examined after 3 and 7 days for wound closure rate and wound healing scale.

Results: This study included 21 (16 females) patients with an age range of 14 years-19 years old. Wound healing scale was signficantly better at the study side at 3 days (P=0.000) and 7 days (P=0.009) follow up. No signficant result observed regarding wound closure rate during the same time period.

Conclusion: Periokin improved wound healing in the first week after application. Further studies at more appropriate times are necessary in order to present reliable outcomes.

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