E-Cigarette, a Shipwreck! A Scandal?
Author(s): Sakshi Tapadia, Amit Reche*, Kumar Gaurav Chhabra, Priyanka Paul Madhu, Puneet Fulzele and Pavan Bajaj
Electronic cigarettes (E-cigarettes) are devices designed to help smokers stop and avoid the harmful consequences of tobacco. In recent years, the popularity of electronic cigarettes has exploded. Its increased use during adolescence is noteworthy. Despite the fact that e-cigarettes have grown extremely popular, there are some differing viewpoints on their long term health impacts, in particular. Some argue that it is less hazardous than traditional cigarettes, while others argue that it is the opposite. Although e-cigarettes are less hazardous than traditional cigarettes, they nonetheless contain carcinogens including formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. It also contains heavy metals (nickel, chromium) that are absent from traditional cigarettes, posing health risks. E-cigarette uses cause irritation in the upper and lower respiratory tracts, as well as increased airway resistance and bacterial colonisation in the lungs. Tahcycardia and a rise in diastolic blood pressure are potentially possible side effects. Despite the fact that e-cigarettes have been demonstrated to have some benefits in terms of quitting smoking, the majority of studies have yielded negative outcomes.