Early Recovery of COVID-19 Patients by Using Immunoglobulins Present in Cow Colostrum Food Supplement-A Clinical Study
Author(s): Swati Khartode S*
Background: Immunoglobulins in cow colostrum have proven benefits against various dis-eases including recurrent infections.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of Immunoglobulins present in cow colostrum for early re-covery in COVID-19 patients.
Materials and Methods: Randomized, controlled trial of cow colostrum supplement performed at ‘vishwaraj super speciality hospital’ Pune, Maharashtra, India in September 2020, after appropriate approval by Institutional Ethics Committee. 200 COVID-19 patients were selected by randomization method, in which 100 patients in study group who received colostrum supplement and 100 patients in control group who did not receive colostrum supplement. COVID-19 patients categorized in Mild (n=55), Moderate (n=39) and Severe (n=6) cases, depending on HRCT Chest scan severity score and severity of symptoms present in patients.
Results: Comparative statistical analysis done to check any significant difference in days required for cure in the symptoms and hypoxia in between study and control group. The test used was‘t’ test for two independent samples. Level of significance is less than 0.05(p<0.05).The early recovery is significant in study group compared to control group at significance level 0.05 (p<0.05) for all symptoms in mild, moderate, severe and all combined categories (p<0.05) but not significant for Off O2 day in mild, CRP blood test in moderate, both Off O2 day and CRP blood test in Severe COVID-19 and CRP blood test in all three combined categories (p>0.05).
Conclusion: This study concluded that cow colostrum food supplement may be beneficial in COVID-19 patients for early recovery in mild, moderate and severe categories. Further study can be done in critically ill patients admitted in an ICU and those who are on nasogastric tube feed (RT feed).