Diagnostic Markers in Oral Potentially Malignant Disease-Ora | 94257

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Diagnostic Markers in Oral Potentially Malignant Disease-Oral Sub Mucous Fibrosis (OSMF)-A Review

Author(s): Rishika Dhimole, Rahul Bhowate* and Mrunal Meshram


In Asian countries, OSF is indeed a cancer risk factor particularly in locations where eating betel nuts is a popular pastime. OSF affects mouth functioning and brought on by aberrantbuild-up of collagen in the connective tissue. Despite the fact that there is no imminent threat associated with a diagnosis, The OSF has a substantial impact on patient well-being. The key etiological factor for OSF is the areca nut. The development of this condition can be linked to enhance collagen synthesis and/or declined collagen breakdown. Chewing betel quid impacts wound healing and fibrotic processes in OSF by promoting fibroblast contraction in the buccal mucosa. TGF-(37,38), NF-B, JNK, P38, and ERK MAPK (39,40) signaling pathways are disrupted in OSF, that may add to areca quid chewing-associated with OSF.

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