Development of an Integrated Ultrasound Curriculum for Medical Students
Author(s): Ali Aldhebaib*
The increasing use of ultrasound modality as the first line of investigation in critical situations has expanded its medical education potential. Ultrasound has become part of the curriculum for basic medical education in many schools. Despite the evolution of ultrasound technology, patient care may be negatively impacted by ultrasound if untrained or insufficiently trained individuals perform it. This study aims to provide evidence-based data regarding how a suitable integrated ultrasound curriculum can be incorporated and implemented within the undergraduate medical school. Theintegrated ultrasound curriculum (iUSC) hasbeen designedbasedontheneeds oftheSaudi communitytomeet the required competencies. The curriculum consisted of four years in addition to internship according to the Saudi regulations. The curriculum includes subjects, objectives, teaching methods, and evaluation methods. Particular emphasis was paid to stakeholders. Program assessment criteria based on the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) accreditation criteria. The establishment of the integrated ultrasound curriculum (iUSC) is recommended for capacity building capable of using advanced ultrasound machines to diagnose a wide range of pathological conditions. The curriculum encouraged learners' self-education, independence, problem-solving, community-orientation and enhanced their ability to work effectively within a team.