Dentists Education, Knowledge and Attitudes towards Silver Diamine Fluoride
Author(s): Saud Ismail Asirri, Reem H Alsareay, Raed Abdullah Alamri, Abdulrahman Yahya Almalki, Shaker Saad Alshaflot, Saeed J Alqahtani, Alanoud M Alazmi, Mona A Asiri, Ebtsam M Alshehri, Elham Ali Abusarhad, M Zakirulla*, Mzoon A Rashad, Sami Mohammed Alawwadh, Abdulhadi M Alqahtani, Abeer A Alghothimy, Albatool Mohammed Alqahtani, Thamra M Alqahtani, Hassan I Asiri and Ahmed Ali Althuqbi
Background: This study aims to evaluate the knowledge and attitude among dentists towards Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF).
Materials & Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on the sample size of 101 dental surgeons participated in the study. Written informed consent was obtained from the participants after explaining to them the purpose of the study. The sampling method included in the study is a simple random sampling method. A self-administered structured questionnaire was developed, and the data was collected. Both descriptive and analytical statistical measurements were done.
Results: Most participants, 59 (58%) were said that they did not hear about SDF application in dentistry. 28% agreed that they attended lectures/discussions about SDF. When asked about the participant's source of knowledge about SDF, the primary source of information is from the online internet (32%), followed by academic teaching (25%). However, most participants (31%) agreed to the point that SDF is applied mainly to primary dentition, followed by permanent dentition (21%). When asked about the type of teeth used for SDF, 13% and 27% of participants were agreed to use in anterior teeth and posterior teeth, respectively.
Conclusions: Education and understanding of SDF through their expert development activities. Increasing SDF educational attempts might therefore bring about greater usage of this innovative method of managing cavitated caries lesions, especially in children.