Dental Age Estimation of Upper Left Third Molar (28) Using Willems Method
Author(s): Harita Ravikumar and Abirami Arthanari*
Introduction: Dental age estimation is a very important procedure done to obtain a person’s age in various situations such as during an unknown death, highly decomposed body etc. age estimation is an important identity of a person and it shouldn't be exploited. Various methods are known, such as Cameriere, Demirjian, Nolla, Willems etc. Aim: To estimate age of the upper left third molar using Willems method Materials and method: Orthopantomogram was obtained and the age was estimated using the chart and the results were tabulated. Data was analysed using spss software and the graphs were plotted. Results and discussion: It was found that the mean of males was 1.82 and for the females it was found to be 1.80. The standard deviation of the males and Female staging was done and it was found to be 1.674 and 1.990 respectively. The association graph was also plotted and the conclusion was made. Conclusion: It was concluded that Willems method showed less discrepancy and it was found to be more accurate.