Decreased Expression of KAI1 in Colorectal Cancer Significan | 1581

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Decreased Expression of KAI1 in Colorectal Cancer Significantly Associate with the Cancer Metastasis

Author(s): Shahla Mohammad Ganji, Atieh Saligheh, Shahram Shafiepour, Fatemeh Ashrafi, Majid Pornour


The dramatic increase in the prevalence of colorectal cancer is the most serious health challenges in the world. The higher rate of morbidity for this cancer is positively correlated with metastasis. For reduction in morbidity and alleviation of cancer pain, early detection is inevitable. Recently, it has been shown that KAI1 /CD82 gene has a critical role in the suppression of metastasis. Thus, a change in KAI1 expression is important and could be used as a useful marker for the identification of several cancers such as colorectal, prostate and breast cancer. In this survey, we obtained 52 cancer specimens from different stages of cancer (stages 1, 2, 3 and 4) and ten normal specimens as control from unrelated patients were included in this study. The patients in the study were asked to fill in a questionnaire regarding the concept of consent. Real‑time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) were performed for evaluating gene expression at RNA and protein level, respectively. The results were analyzed by using a one-way ANOVA followed by post-hoc tests. Real-time RT-PCR quantification and IHC analysis revealed that the expression of KAI1 was significantly increased in the patient compared with the control (P = 0.036). Further comparison of the data showed that the difference was profound between these two groups; stage1 and stage3 with respect to the KAI1 gene expression (P <0.05).


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