Cultural Symbolism Adorned on Enamel as Gold Choumps: A Case | 83831

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Cultural Symbolism Adorned on Enamel as Gold Choumps: A Case Report

Author(s): Ramya R Iyer* and Faisal Sheikh


Gold enamel choumps are intentional dental modifications of cultural significance, observed among certain tribal communities of India. The present case report is an illustration of this unique adornment practice in the Bhilala tribe of Madhya Pradesh. Gold tattoo or engravings on maxillary anterior teeth in this community, marks the onset of puberty among males and wearing those, is believed to invoke good fortune. This is the first reported case of enamel choumps in the Bhilala tribal community.

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