Correlation between the Use of Topical Anti Glaucoma Contain | 1443

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Correlation between the Use of Topical Anti Glaucoma Containing Preservative Benzalkonium Chloride with the Degree of Dry Eye Syndrome in Mohammad Hoesin Hospital Palembang

Author(s): Fidalia, Erial Bahar, Syntia Rizki H


There are approximately 67 million glaucoma patients worldwide, half of them are Asian. Most glaucoma treatments use topical agents as the first-line therapy. Long-term antiglaucoma therapy (AGT) treatment, had been shown to have side effects that are not only caused by the active substance of the drug, but also by the preservative such as benzalkonium chloride (BAK). Long duration of AGT drugs use and the number of the drugs can cause discomfort in the eyes of the patient due to decrease in tear secretion as well as vaporing abnormalities, known as dry eye syndrome. To measure the correlation between the duration of topical anti glaucoma use containing preservative BAK with dry eye syndrome degree in Moehammad Hoesin (RSMH) hospital, Palembang. Method: Descriptive research using correlation test design to find out the correlation between the duration of AGT containing BAK use with the degree of dry eyes syndrome was undertaken in June - December 2016. The samples of the study were glaucomic patients who came to Eye Glaucoma Subdivision clinic, the RSMH hospital Palembang. There were 40 patients recruited, 52.5% of them were women. There were 20 (50%) patients who had been using AGT containing BAK ≥ 20 weeks, while other 20 patients <20 weeks. It was found that there were significant correlations between the duration of AGT use with Schirmer test (r=-0.50, p = 0.002), TBUT (r=-0.24, p =0.004) and Ferning test (r = 0.15, p = 0.035). There was a significant correlation between topical drug usage in long-term treatments of AGT with the incidence of dry eyes syndromes (r=-0.40 p = 0.015). there were 8.6% patients with third degree of dry eyes syndrome,11.4% with second degree and 57.1% were normal. There was a significant relationship between the duration of AGT use containing preservative BAK with the incidence of the vocational degree in the patient (r = -0.40 p = 0.015).


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