Correlation and comparison of CT Urography and non contrast MR urography in evaluation of non-neoplastic urinary tract lesions- A study of 32 patients
Author(s): Makada MT, Thummar KK
Background: Nowadays conventional X rays and IVU has been replaced by cross sectional imaging like CT scan and MRI largely. MRI is having advantage of no risk of ionizing radiation.
Aims and objective: To evaluate the role of Multi Detector Computed Tomography and non contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging Urography in assessment of different non neoplastic urinary tract diseases like congenital lesions, cystic lesions, obstruction by stone & Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).
Material and method: Selected patients underwent CT urography in 16 slice CT scan machine and non contrast MR urography in 1.5 T 16 channel MRI machine.
Results: Total 32 patients scanned from December, 2013 to December, 2015 out of which few patients are having multiple lesions. 25 % patients are having congenital anomalies both in CT and MRI. 46% patients are having calculus disease in CT scan and 43% patients are having calculus disease in MRI. Cystic lesions are detected in 6% of patients in CT scan and 18% patients in MRI. Infection is present in 31% of patients in both CT and MRI.
Conclusion: CT urography is better technique for detection of calculus disease and non contrast MRI is better technique for cystic disease.The numbers of patients with diagnosis of infection and congenital lesions remain same in both CT scan and non contrast MRI.