Copper (Cu)-Complexes of Schiff Base and their Antibacterial | 93433

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Copper (Cu)-Complexes of Schiff Base and their Antibacterial Activity

Author(s): Arpit Verma*, Durgesh Wadhwa, Shiva Sharma, Maninderjeet Kaur, Arjun Kumar Singhal


Coordination chemistry is a chemical science term associated with ligand-shaped coordination compounds, i.e. the association of metal and molecules. As functional materials, charge-separated organic molecules have a wide range of applications. Zwitterionicity is demonstrated as a general design paradigm for the activation of strong bonds in coordination chemistry. Due to their ability to develop inert complexes with metal ions of transition series, Schiff bases are the most recognized compound in coordination chemistry with broad application in the ?‹eŽd of pharmaceutics. This study paper summarizes the synthesis via traditional method and magnetic stirrer of the Schiff base and its metal complex. The antibacterial function of the Schiff base's metal complex has also been discussed. Using 1H NMR and elemental analysis, the compound's structure was reported. The obtained Schiff bases have been evaluated against bacteria such as E. coli and S. aureus. It is interpreted in this paper that the magnetic stirrer method has been shown to be a better method for Schiff base preparation and to improve its yield.

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