Contemporary Alternatives to Zirconia-Based Crowns: An in Vi | 88473

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Contemporary Alternatives to Zirconia-Based Crowns: An in Vitro Fracture Strength Study

Author(s): Noof Abdullah Assiri*, Kholoud Saeed Algarni, Fatima Saeed Alshahrani, Naif Abdullah Assiri, Ohoud Ibrahim Alqarni, Malak Tariq Laheq, Asma Mohammed AlHanif, Maram Hamed Alanazi, Hadeel Abdullah Aldajani and Najeeb M Alqahtani


Objectives: Aim of the study is to compare the fracture strength of the crowns made by the newly introduced ceramic material to the conventionally used zirconia- based crowns and to assess the fracture behavior of the newly engineered ceramic material. Materials and Methods: The study was used artificial replicas of human teeth. It was laboratory based study, no human subjects was included. The sixty samples will be randomly allocated to three groups, one control and two tests. An artificial plastic mandibular molar was prepared to the ideal specification required for an all-ceramic crown. 60 metal dye exact replicas were fabricated and randomly distributed among three groups, Zirconia (Zr), Suprinity (Sp) and Enamics (En). Results: preliminary data proved that there were no statistically significant differences in static fracture strength among the groups. Conclusion: Based on the preliminary data, it was concluded that the contemporary alternatives to zirconia crowns do indeed poses similar strength and, thus, can be used as alternatives to the zirconia crowns to overcome their drawbacks.

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