Comparison of Self-Reported and Clinical Halitosis in 15 Yea | 61353

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Comparison of Self-Reported and Clinical Halitosis in 15 Years Old Male Students

Author(s): Rafal Abdulaziz Alawsy* and Nada Jafer MH Radhi


Objective: Determine the precision of a questionnaire in determining halitosis by comparison with halimeter. Methods: The sample involved 400 secondary schools’ male students aged 15 years old, who were randomly selected. A welldesigned format (questionnaire) was designed and the adolescent students who meet the criteria were taken a questionnaire, Clinically the assessment of exhaled Volatile Sulfuric Compounds (VSCs), which are primarily generated in and produced from the oral cavity, contributing to halitosis were done by a portable, on-site, and easy to use device called halimeter which is a noninvasive method. Chi square was used to determine the association between self-reported halitosis and clinical halitosis. Spearman’s correlation was used to determine the correlation between the questionnaire and halimeter results. Results: There was highly significant difference between self-reported halitosis and halimeter results. Spearman’s correlation analysis was showing a weak positive highly significant correlation coefficient between self-estimated and clinical halitosis. Conclusion: Students with self-reported halitosis was found to correspond significantly with clinical halitosis. Existing findings suggest that self-reported questionnaire can be used to judge one’s own halitosis.

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