Comparison of Emotional Intelligence in Elderly Subjects Wit | 63266

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Comparison of Emotional Intelligence in Elderly Subjects With/Without Dementia in Belagavi City: A Cross Sectional Study

Author(s): Radhika Damani* and Sanjiv Kumar


Background: Dementia is characterized as a clinical syndrome which shows progressive deterioration and impairment in the activities of daily living. It has been said that at present around 36 million people around the globe suffer from dementia. Dementia is said to have various complications which can lead to alterations in the patient’s mood, emotional ability and quality of life (QOL). Its proven that more than about 50% of the patients who suffer from dementia show one or more depressive symptom such as sadness, anxiety, irritation, agitation, retardation, sleep problems, less social interaction and decrease in their interests. Emotional intelligence (EI) is the capability of the individual to understand and manage people and act accordingly in human relationships. Empathy is one of the most important components in the structure of EI. It has been said that individuals with greater levels of EI have a greater ability to express emotions. Objectives: To evaluate the difference of Emotional Intelligence in the elderly subjects with/without dementia in Belagavi city. Methods and Materials: 100 subjects were recruited in the study. They were divided into two groups, one group consisted of subjects with dementia and another without dementia, using the Blessed Dementia Rating scale. Geriatric depression scale and the Assessing emotions scale were used as the outcome measures in the study. The values were obtained and analysed. Results: SPSS version 23 was used in statistical analysis. Demographic data in relation to outcome measure was also analysed. The non-parametric independent t test was used as both the groups were unmatched. The values obtained from the GDS and the AES were analysed and then compared. Conclusion: The result obtained in the present study showed that there is a significant difference in the emotional intelligence in subjects with or without dementia. It can be concluded that subjects with dementia had a higher level of depression and a lower level of emotional intelligence.

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