Comparison of Anxiety and Depression in Female Students with | 1784

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Comparison of Anxiety and Depression in Female Students with Primary Dysmenorrhea and Without Dysmenorrhea in Zahedan University of Medical Sciences in 2017

Author(s): Hassan Namvar, Maliheh Rahmati, Asghar Akbari, Mohammad Hosseinifar, Alireza Ansari Moghaddam


Primary dysmenorrhea is the most common complaint in adolescent and young women. It interferes with daily activities and imposes many social costs on the community. The objective of this research was to compare anxiety and depression in female students with primary dysmenorrhea and without dysmenorrhea. This case-control study was conducted in Zahedan University of Medical Sciences in 2016 on 120 girls in 3 groups of without dysmenorrhea, primary dysmenorrhea with low back pain, and primary dysmenorrhea without low back pain. The Spielberger questionnaire was used to determine the anxiety score and Beck Depression Inventory was used to determine the depression score. To describe the data, central indicators, dispersion and frequency distribution tables (absolute and relative) were used and statistical analysis of variance and linear regression were used to analyze the data. The anxiety score was 60.69 ± 12.10, 56.36±11.54, and 51.57±12.03 in the non-dysmenorrhea group, primary dysmenorrhea with low back pain group, and in the dysmenorrhea without low back pain group, respectively, and the depression score was 10.51 ± 8.47, 14.12±9.41, and 16.29± 10.21 in the non-dysmenorrhea group, primary dysmenorrhea with low back pain group, and primary dysmenorrhea without low back pain group, respectively. There score of anxiety and depression showed significant difference among the three groups (P <0.005). The results of this research showed that anxiety in non-dysmenorrhea people was significantly higher than that in primary dysmenorrhea people, while depression score in non-dysmenorrhea people was significantly lower than that in primary dysmenorrhea people.


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