Comparison between Step Incision and Inverted V Incision in | 5633

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Comparison between Step Incision and Inverted V Incision in Columellar Scar in Open Rhinoplasty

Author(s): Seyed Esmail Hassanpour, Hormoz Mahmoudvand, Abdolreza Rouientan*, Mohammad Reza Asgarzadeh, Massumeh Niazi


Background: During recent decades open approach rhinoplasty and then, to obtain better transcolumellar scar results, some incisions like z, v, and reversed v were introduced. Different authors describe step and inverted v incisions as the two most common transcolumellar incisions. Thus, the present study was conducted to compare postoperative transcolumellar scars using these two patterns.

Methods: A total of 62 aesthetic rhinoplasty candidates were randomly divided into two groups of step pattern and inverted v pattern. Then, all the patients were operated by one surgeon in similar operative conditions using similar suture materials and operation techniques. Patient follow-ups for transcolumellar scars were done in three ways:

1. According to the clinical scar assessment scale (SCAS),
2. According to the observer team scores (1-10 scoring system) (Two plastic surgeons, an aesthetic ward nurse, and a non-aesthetic ward nurse)
3. According to patient’s evaluation (1-10 scoring system). Finally, data were collected and submitted for analysis.

Results: Both groups had similar mean ages. After six months, analysis of transcolumllar scars were done according to the three criteria previously mentioned. According to the findings, compared with step incision, inverted v incision produced higher scores and better quality for both patients and observer team.

Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that inverted v transcolumellar incision produces better scars in comparison to step incision in the views of patients and observer team. As a result, we advise inverted v pattern for transcolumellar incision in open rhinoplasty.


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