Comparative Evaluation of Fracture Toughness and Flexural St | 102707

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Comparative Evaluation of Fracture Toughness and Flexural Strength of Four Different Core Build up Materials: An In vitro Study

Author(s): Prashant Nakade, Bhushan R Bangar, Sonam Thaore*, Ajit S Jankar, Madhuri Wadhwani and Varsha Joteppa


Purpose: To evaluate and compare the fracture toughness and flexural strength of four different core build up materials. Materials and methods: Sixty samples were taken for study, which were equally divided into four groups. Group A includes dual cure composite resin reinforced with zirconia filler particles (Luxacore Z, DMG), group B-light cure composite resin (Lumiglass deepcure, RDT France), group C-zirconia reinforced glass ionomer cement (Zirconomer improved, Shofu) and group D-chemically cure composite resin (Self comp, Prevest Denpro). All the core build up materials were manipulated according to manufacturer’s instructions and poured into mold. A Universal testing machine applied a central load to the specimen in a 3-point bending mode. Fracture of the specimen was identified and the reading recorded by the universal testing machine. The data were analysed statistically using one Way ANOVA and then compared.

Results: Group A showed highest flexural strength (48.65 MPa) amongst all the groups while group D showed lowest flexural strength (17.90 MPa). Group A showed highest fracture toughness (99.12 MPa) amongst all the groups while group D showed lowest fracture toughness (36.41 When mean flexural strength and fracture toughness values of all four groups were compared by using one Way ANOVA, the compared data were statistically significant.

Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, dual cure composite resin (Luxacore Z) was the material of choice in terms of flexural strength and fracture toughness for core build up material followed by light cure composite resin (Lumiglass deepcure).

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