Comparative Evaluation of Effect of Resin Protective Coating | 88231

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Comparative Evaluation of Effect of Resin Protective Coatings on the Surface Hardness and Shear Punch Strength of Different Glass Ionomer Cements?An In Vitro Study

Author(s): Niharika Mishra*, Manish Agarwal, Singh MP, Khushboo Magwa, Sonal Singh Thakur and Sonal Singh Arora


Background: Glass Ionomer Cements (GIC) is not indicated in stress bearing posterior tooth regions due to their low fracture strength, toughness and wear. Resin coatings have been known to reduce such vulnerabilies. G-Coat Plus, a Nano-filled, self-adhesive light cured protective coating that strengthens, protects and enhances glass ionomer restorations. However, there is limited information on their influence on GIC. Hence the study was conducted to compare the effect of resin coating on surface hardness and Shear punch strength of newer modified GIC. Materials and Methods: 120 samples of Fuji IX Extra, Fuji IX Fast, Fuji II LC were prepared using specialized metal moulds. Some were coated with G-Coat plus and some left uncoated. They were then tested for surface hardness and shear punch strength. P < 0.05 was considered as significant. Results: The highest mean value on shear punch strength seen with Fuji IX Extra 46.36 ± 8.27 followed by Fuji II LC 46.26 ± 7.55 and the lowest value was seen with Fuji IX Fast 24.02 ± 3.42 with resin coating, while in surface hardness, Fuji IX extra was the highest with 75.80 ± 8.59 followed by Fuji IX Fast 64.80 ± 6.53 and Fuji II LC with resin coating 64.50 ± 5.66 (p<0.05). Conclusion: Resin coating the surfaces of GIC restoration enhances the strength and longevity of Glass ionomer restorations compared to the uncoated surfaces. Fuji IX Extra along with G-Coat plus is an ideal restorative material in posterior stress bearing areas.

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