Comparative Analysis of Salivary Homocysteine and Nitric Oxi | 59305

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Comparative Analysis of Salivary Homocysteine and Nitric Oxide Levels in Patients with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Healthy Women-An in vivo Study

Author(s): Srujana Hemmanur, Iffat Nasim* and Rizwana Aziz


Polycystic ovarian syndrome commonly known as PCOS is a collection of symptoms associated with a poor reproductive health. It is amongst the most common disorders affecting women of reproductive age. It is a multidimensional disorder with unknown aetiology. For diagnosis, currently Rotterdam criteria are widely being used. The aim of the study is to check for the correlation in the amounts of salivary homocysteine and nitric oxide in women with PCOS and healthy controls. The saliva samples were collected by spitting method from 20 women suffering from PCOS (test group) and 20 healthy women with no known disorders (control group). The saliva samples were tested for the presence of homocysteine and nitric oxide and their levels were quantified. In patients with PCOS, salivary homocysteine levels are significantly higher than the control group. However, the salivary nitric oxide levels are significantly lower in the test group when compared to the control group. The results obtained are like many serum and plasma analyses and salivary evaluation can be considered as a chairside technique for the evaluation of the same. However, an expanded study needs to be done to check for any confounding factors.

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