Comparative Analysis of Clinical Correlation of Leukonychia in Different Age Groups-A Original Study
Author(s): Hemaanhini Tamilmani, Priyadharshini R*, Palati Sinduja
Introduction: Nails are an important aspect of not only external appearance but also internal constitution and nutritional status. The chemical profile of the normal nail contains keratin content, sulfur content, and mineral composition (which include magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, sodium, and copper). White discoloration seen on nails is called leukonychia. As the normal nail plate consists of many nutrients, almost any nutritional deficiencies can show changes in the nail bed. Both increase and decrease in nutritional status can lead to rising or drop in the nail concentration. Many types of research have been done to prove the relation between leukonychia and diseases, nutritional deficiencies, etc. The main aim of the study is to determine whether there is any correlation between leukonychia and certain age groups. Materials and methods: The current study was based on leukonychia which was conducted in Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals. A total of 30 participants had agreed to participate in the study and a picture of each hand was taken. Pictures of the participants' hands were taken using a smartphone without a flashlight. Later the pictures (results) were collected and analysed using SPSS software. Descriptive analysis was done to compare leukonychia with different age groups. Results: Descriptive analysis was done to compare leukonychia with different age groups. In the present study, the significance shown was seen to be 0.000 which is less than 0.05, which confirms that this present study was significant. The participants of the study were found to be as 90% having no leukonychia (grade 0), 6.67% had punctate leukonychia (Grade 1) and the remaining 3.33% of the participants had longitudinal leukonychia (Grade 3). Conclusion: The results show that leukonychia was most common in the age group of 41-50 years old participants, but many criteria such as gender, nutritional deficiencies were excluded in the study. This may be included in any future studies.