Clinical, Subclinical Characteristics, and Treatment Results of Class I Malocclusion in Vietnam
Author(s): Nguyen My Huyen, Le Nguyen Lam, Do Thi Thao*, Le Vu Phuong Khanh
Introduction: The prevalence of Class I malocclusion was found to be high that could affect esthetics or function. The study aimed to evaluate clinical, subclinical characteristics, and treatment results of Class I malocclusion. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 31 students, including 16 females and 15 males, with Class I malocclusion. Results: 26 students (83.9%) had symmetrical faces. The prevalence of Anderson's subtype I was the highest (77.5%). 22 students (70.1%) had oval-shaped dental arches. The anterior-posterior bimaxillary decal age (ANB angle) was 2.59o ± 1.44. The upper and lower incisors were not only proclaimed but also protruded. Angle between the long axis of the upper incisor and palatal plane (1-Pal) and the angle between the long axis of the lower incisor and mandibular plane (1-MP) were bigger than the standard values. Anterior-posterior position of upper and lower lips about the S-line was much bigger than the normal range. Before treatment, the average PAR score of the research group was 21.94 and after the treatment, the average PAR score was 2.23. Mid- malocclusion was the most common (42.5%). The overall effect of this treatment was 93.5%. Conclusions: Class I malocclusion had complex clinical and subclinical characteristics.