Clinical Profile of Patients Undergone Stoppa???s Repair for Inguinal Hernia
Author(s): Parth C Shah*, Dip H Joshi, Jaykumar J Mandanka and Zeel U Khandla
Background and Objective: In hernioplasty by midline pre-peritoneal approach the transversalis fascia is replaced by the giant prosthetic mesh which spread beyond the myopectineal oriffice(MPO).The prosthesis envelope the visceral sac are held in place by the intra-abdominal pressure and followed by connective tissue in growth. This technique is different from the conventional meshplasty by focusing on retaining the peritoneum rather than repairing the abdominal wall defect. This is a suture-less and tension free repair. In this procedure the pre-peritoneal space is entered directly by lower midline approach without disturbing the inguinal canal, spermatic cord and the sensory nerves of the groin. It is also suited for recurrent groin hernia because the repair can be done without entering the pre-operated area so the dissection can be done without any difficulty. Methodology: Patients presented with iguinal hernia, admitted under general surgery department at LG General Hospital, Maninagar, Ahmedabad between June 2017 to September 2019 were enrolled with this study with their consents and a prospective study of 30 patients was carried out. Interpretation and conclusion: The stoppa procedure utilize the many advantage of pre-peritoneal meshplasty in inguinal hernia repair. A key feature is application of Pascal’s law in mesh placement that reinforce the lower abdominal wall with the anatomical approach without disturbing the inguinal canal. However, it requires the good dissection in the pre-peritoneal space and adequate parietalisation of the cord structures. Stoppa’s repair is an especially important hernia repair as it required less tissue dissection & in term less surgical complication and shorter duration of surgery.