Clinical Case Study ON Incidence and Management of Varicose | 78672

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Clinical Case Study ON Incidence and Management of Varicose Veins

Author(s): R Sachin Raj, RNM Francis and P Sasikumar*


Varicose veins are tortuous, widened veins in the subcutaneous tissues of the legs and are often easily visible. Their valves are usually incompetent so that reflux of blood occurs, and the resulting venous hypertension can cause symptoms. Varicose veins are widely seen as medically unimportant and deserving low priority for treatment. They are common, affecting nearly a third of adults in Western societies, and few people with varicose veins are ever harmed by them. However, they cause concern and distress on a large scale, most of which can be dealt with by good explanation and reassurance, or by a variety of treatments which are evolving rapidly at present. Patients can now be referred for more precise assessment and a greater range of therapeutic options than ever before. To study the various clinical presentations, complications of varicose veins and various modalities of management and outcome of various modalities of management.

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