Chitosan Incorporated Bio-Surfactant Formulation with Enhanc | 93504

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Chitosan Incorporated Bio-Surfactant Formulation with Enhanced anti-Microbial Properties

Author(s): Dharmesh Kumar*, Deepika Arora, Ajay Bilandi, Heenu Dhar, Krishna Gopal


Over time the effects of antimicrobial resistance are natural, usually genetically m�d�?�ed? However, antimicrobial exploitation and overuse accelerate this process. Many nanoparticles have been developed with anti-microbial activity to combat aforementioned issues, but many of them are synthesized by chemical synthesis process. Preparing nanoparticles by combining natural substance would aid in achieving the targets without causing any environmental consequences. The present paper deals with developing a nanoparticles by combining a natural polymer and bio-surfactant i.e., chitosan and surfactin to boost the anti-microbial activity of the formulation against different bacterial species in order to be used in various ?�eld� (e.g. medical, food, Pharma). The prepared formulation was further characterized by using TEM, dynamic light scattering to determine morphology of nanoparticles. Further, performance evaluation of chitosan/surfactin nanoparticles were evaluated by conducting anti-microbial assay which preferably included Minimum inhibitory concentration, minimum bacterial count, ���?�lm assay and cytotoxicity assay. It was observed that the chitosan/surfactin NPs were potent in inhibiting anti-microbial activity of S.aureus, E.coli species at 95% and 98% respectively. Thus, chitosan/ surfactin NPs may be used as potent anti-microbial agents.

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