Cephalometric Features of Anterior Open Bite in a Sample of Sudanese Patients
Author(s): Ejlal Hassan, Amal H Abuaffan and Marwa M Hamid*
Worldwide, the prevalence of anterior open bite varies from (1% to 37.4%), the highest being in the French population whereas the lowest is in the Malta population. In the United States, the prevalence ranges between (16%) in black ethnicity and (4%) in whites. A similar study in Sudanese school children showed a much lower prevalence (1.1%). Open bites are multifactorial in etiology; they result from interactions between hereditary and environmental factors, and are divided into, dental open bite; without craniofacial malformations, and skeletal open bite involving craniofacial dysplasia. Skeletal open bite is characterized by a long anterior face height with the palatal plane tipped upward anteriorly, longer lower anterior face height, shorter upper anterior face height, and short posterior face height.
The present study was designed to investigate these features as well as comparing them to Sudanese norms. This, hopefully, will assist in establishing a sound ground for orthodontists and maxillofacial surgeons to guide them to the proper diagnosis and treatment planning for anterior open bite.