Case Report on Rhinocerebral Mucormycosis
Author(s): Nayana L Raut* and Ruchira Ankar
Introduction: Rhinocerebral mucormycosis, commonly known as zygomycosis, is a rare fungus-related disease that affects the nose, paranasal sinuses, and brain. It's an opportunistic pathogen that thrives in immune compromised people. The fungus grows quickly and aggressively because of its interaction with immune compromised patients, generating a well-defined fulminate and life-threatening condition.
Clinical Findings: Right sided facial swelling, Right sided nasal obstruction since 10 days and partially relieved since 4 days, right sided headache radiating to right ear and neck since 10 days, watery discharge from right eye partially relieved since 4 days, fever since 4 days (Temperature 100F).
Diagnostic evaluation: CT Paranasal Sinuses: Mixed density collection in bilateral maxillary sinus with mucosal polypoidal thickening in left maxillary sinuses with patchy areas of hyper densities within the collection.
Magnetic resonance Imaging: MRI Brain and Orbit: Peripherally enhancing mucosal thickening and collection in bilateral maxillary, ethmoidal and sphenoid sinus and frontal sinus on right side with polypoidal mucosal thickening in left maxillary sinus.
Therapeutic intervention: Inj. piptaz 4.45 gm IV × TDS, inj. levoflox 500 mg IV × OD, inj. dexa 6 mg IV × OD inj. lomo Ho 4 mg S/C × OD, inj. pan 40 mg IV × OD, Tab limcee 500 mg OD, Tab zincovit 50 mg OD, Tab. Dolo 650 mg SOS, Inj. Insulin R S/C, tab zifi cv 250 mg BD.
Outcome: After treatment, the patient show improvement. his fever is reduced (Temperature 98.1°F), facial swelling is reduced, relieved from nasal obstruction.
Conclusion: After getting appropriate treatment his condition was improved.