Biomechanical Analysis of Orthodontic Correction of Buccally Malposed Canine: A Finite Element Analysis
Author(s): Muthanna Ibraheem Ali, Iman I Al Sheakli* and Salah R Al Zaidee
Canines are important and unique teeth for both esthetic and function. It is the most tooth that erupt in malposed position. The buccaly malposed canine is one of the most common condition in orthodontic practice. The aim of this study is to evaluate the response of canine and maxillary teeth to different magnitudes and directions of orthodontic force. The finite element method were used in current work. DICOM data processed by image processing software (Mimics Medical 2018), for generation of 3D volume that managed by computer aided design software (SolidWorks software), for reconstruction 3D model and to align all parts in final assembly. The model exported to finite element analysis software (Abaqus CAE software) and apply two load scenarios. Load scenario I include tipping force extend between canine and first molar, Load scenario II include extrusion force extend between canine and main arch wire. Then we run finite element processing. Result: In load scenario I, the canine have uncontrolled palatal and lingual tipping with distal-in rotation. The first molar have bodily mesial and buccal movement with intrusion. Small anterior displacement in central and lateral incisor, and first and second premolar. Scenario II show extensive extrusion of canine and severe intrusion of lateral incisor and moderate intrusion of central incisor. First and second premolar and first molar were not affected. Discussion: Distal tipping of canine lead to intrusion of first molar and proclination of incisors (increase overjet) even with use heavy gauge archwires. Extrusion of canine cause extensive intrusion of lateral incisor even with use maximum anchorage.