Assessment of White Blood Cell Count and Platelet Count in Women on Hormonal Contraceptives in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria
Author(s): I.L. Okoroiwu*, Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu and Vivian Egwim
The aim of this study is to assess WBC and platelet count in women on hormonal contraceptives in Owerri, Imo state, Nigeria. Seventy women were enrolled for this study, fifty were on hormonal contraceptive as a form of birth control, while twenty women were not on hormonal contraceptives. Blood sample was collected from the subjects and platelet and WBC count was determined. Platelet count was significantly (P<0.05) increased in the test subject (350.76 ± 49.56 x 109/L) when compared with the control subjects (240.50 + 46.3 X 1 09/L). Total WBC count was significantly (P<0.05) increased in the test subject (6.48+1.22 x 109/L) when compared with the control subjects (4.59+ 0.99 x 109/L). The subjects on oral contraceptive above 7 months (391.83+40.7x 109/L) have a significant (P=0.001) increase when compared with the subjects on oral contraceptive within 3-7 months (340.68+44.57 xl09/L).The subjects on oral contraceptive above 7 months (8.13+0.43xl09/L) have a significant (P<0.05) increase when compared with the subjects on oral contraceptive within 3-7 months (5.92+0.90xl09/L). There was no statistically significant (P>0.05) difference in the mean value of platelets and WBC count among the different age groups when compared using the ANOVA for more than two groups. Long term use of oral contraceptive has an effect on platelet and WBC count.