Assessment of Hope among adult palliative patients with canc | 96997

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Assessment of Hope among adult palliative patients with cancer: An Evidence-Based Analysis

Author(s): Khaldoon Aied Alnawafleh* and Walid Theib Mohammad


Aims: The purpose of this evidence-based review was to figure out which assessment tool is optimal for measuring hope in palliative adult patients. Methods: Literature search were in: CINAHL, Science direct, MEDLINE, PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Google search engine. Keywords were: cancer (oncology, malignancy), hope, assessment (tool and instrument) Only English language articles were accepted. All included studies were assessed for level of evidence. Results: Ten articles were included: Three meta-analysis, two experimental and five descriptive cross-sectional studies. Results of included studies showed strong evidence that Hope Herth Index (HHI) is the most accurate and comprehensive tool to measure adult hope level among cancer patient in palliative setting. Conclusion: The (HHI) appears to be a trustworthy measure of hope in adults with cancer in a palliative context, according to the findings. There is a need for more research into the (HHI) factor structure in adolescents and young adults.

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