Assess the Effectiveness of Mass Media Intervention (Poster, | 88132

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Assess the Effectiveness of Mass Media Intervention (Poster, Leaflet, and Booklet) for Improving Mental Health Literacy among Rural Women in Wardha City

Author(s): Dharti Meshram*, Tessy Sebastian, Jaya Gawai and Pooja Kasturkar


Background: MHL is an effective mental health determinant or can progress both the health of individuals and communities. Evidence advises in which improved understanding of psychiatric health or mental disorder, enhanced information of how to obtain care, or reduced stigma regarding mental disorder in the community. Aim: The study aims to assess the effectiveness of selected mass media intervention (poster, leaflet and booklet) for improving mental health literacy among rural women. Objective: 1. To assess the existing mental health literacy among rural women at pre-test. 2 To assess the effectiveness of selected mass media intervention (poster, leaflet, and booklet) for improving mental health literacy among rural women at post-test. 3. To evaluate the effectiveness of selected mass media intervention (poster, leaflet, and booklet) for improving mental health literacy among rural women between pertest and post-test. 4. To associate post-test scores of mental health literacy among rural women with their selected demographic variables. Methodology: Author used interventional research approach and experimental research design. 100 sample were used selected by non-probability purposive conveniently Sampling Technique. sample were rural women. Setting of study was rural area Nalwadi in Wardha district. A demographic variables and mental health literacy scale were used for collecting the information regarding mental health literacy from rural women. Result: Researcher revealed that in comparison of pertest and post-test mental health literacy score of rural women was done. Exiting mean literacy percentage score was 55.03 and post-test mean literacy percentage score was 91.11. Existing standard deviation values was ± 22.44% and post-test SD is ± 5.21. The tabulated value for n=100-1 i.e.,99 degrees of freedom was 2.00. The calculated ‘t’ value was 32.69 and P value was 0.0001. It was statistically interpreted that the effect of selected mass media intervention (poster, leaflet, and booklet) about mental health literacy among rural women was effective. Here H1 was accepted in this study. Conclusion: Mass media intervention was effective for improved mental health literacy among rural women.

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