Anti-Inflammatory and Antimicrobial Activity of Silver Nanop | 86867

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Anti-Inflammatory and Antimicrobial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized Using Piper Longum

Author(s): Obuli Ganesh Kishore S, R Priyadharshini*, S Rajeshkumar and Palati Sinduja


Background: Piper longum commonly known as long pepper is a traditional medicinal plant that has been used for ages. It was most used to treat respiratory infections, bronchitis, cholera, etc. and could aid in appetite and digestion. Nanoparticles have been employed in the field of medicine due to their ability to target specific cells without damaging the adjacent cells. Nanoparticles were employed as an antimicrobial in bandages whose medicinal properties play a role in wound dressings and antiseptic creams. To comprehend the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory property of Piper longum, silver nanoparticles were synthesised, and the effects were correlated with their ability to inhibit various microbes in the human body. Aim: The present study aimed to analyse the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity of silver nanoparticle particles synthesized using Piper longum extract. Materials and methods: Plant extract-based silver nanoparticles were tested for its anti-inflammatory activity by protein denaturation assay. The standard anti-inflammatory used was diclofenac sodium. To assess the antimicrobial activity, the prepared extract was inoculated in different culture plates containing various microorganisms. The results obtained were collected and statistically analyzed in SPSS software and graphs were obtained. Results: The silver nanoparticles synthesised using Piper longum showed highest absorbance value at a concentration of 10 microliter (102 nm) when subjected to albumin denaturation assay to check for its anti-inflammatory activity. The maximum percentage of inhibition recorded was 81.1% at 20 microliter concentrations. The zone of inhibition against C. albicans was found to be 8mm, 9mm, 11mm zones at 25, 50, and 100μL and was higher than the standard antifungal agents used. The ANOVA p value was found to be less than 0.05 which indicated statistically significant values. Conclusion: Silver nanoparticles synthesized using Piper longum extract can act as a potential antifungal agent and anti-inflammatory activity. However, the anti-inflammatory activity of the extract varied with the different concentrations of the extract.

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