Anticariogenic Activity of Green Tea and Mint Herbal Formation
Author(s): Gajapriya M, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu* and Rajesh Kumar S
Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the anticariogenic activity of green tea and mint herbal formulation. Introduction: Cariogenic bacteria producing or promoting the development of tooth decay leads to the breakdown of teeth. Cavities have become more common in both children and adults in recent years. Green tea leaves and mint have been used to treat numerous ailments. This study involves the preparation of green tea and mint herbal formulation. Green tea and mint are already known for its medicinal properties, of which its anticariogenic nature will be studied. Material and method: Preparation of green tea and mint herbal formulation was followed by a test for its anticariogenic activity using agar well diffusion method. Results: The green tea and mint herbal formulation exhibits significant anticariogenic activity. Conclusion: From the present study, it can be concluded that green tea and mint herbal formulation have a considerably high anticariogenic activity at high concentrations. This can be used for further investigations in employing them as less biotoxic alternatives to already existing chemically synthesised anticariogenic materials.