Antibacterial Activity of Bioactive Glass 45S5 and Chitosan | 66660

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Antibacterial Activity of Bioactive Glass 45S5 and Chitosan Incorporated as Fillers into Gutta Percha

Author(s): Ahmed I AL-Jobory* and Raghad AL-Hashimi


Aim: To evaluate the anti-bacterial activity of bioactive bioglass 45S5 and Chitosan incorporated as fillers in gutta percha against Enterococcus faecalis.

Methods: The anti-bacterial activity of bioactive bioglass 45S5 and Chitosan incorporated as fillers in gutta percha against Enterococcus faecalis were investigated by measuring the inhibition zone that represent the sensitivity or toxicity of materials against microorganism.

Results: there is highly significant difference between control and new modified gutta percha at all specimens, while the control group showed no sensitivity to microorganism.

Conclusion: Bioactive bioglass BG45S5 and chitosan showed in vitro highly antibacterial effects when mixing with gutta percha against Enterococcus faecalis comparing to commercial (control) gutta percha.

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