An Integrated Model of Educational Services Quality | 5649

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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An Integrated Model of Educational Services Quality

Author(s): Soleiman Ahmady, Shahram Yazdani, MohammadAli Hosseini, Dariosh Rokhafroz* and Abdolreza Gilavand


Background: The quality of educational services is one of the major concerns of higher education officials. Evaluating the quality of educational services is expected to be based on scientific models. Currently, definition of this area and conceptualization of educational services quality suffers from theoretical and methodological ambiguities and the root of many of these ambiguities and complexities appears to lie in the lack of appropriate models and tools for evaluating the quality of services.

Materials and Methods: The purpose of this study is to design an integrated model of educational services quality. To this aim, critically reviewing the models of the services quality is essential. This critical review was conducted using an analytical approach.

Results: (a) Theoretical foundations related to the quality of educational services were determined. (b) The models of the service qualities were described, criticized and the common concepts of these models were extended to the field of education. (c) Models to explain satisfaction were also extended to the field of education. (d) With a creative mental synthesis, a summary of common concepts of service quality models, satisfaction models and related documentation, and an integrated model of educational services was suggested. (e) The relevance of this model was demonstrated with concepts related to educational services management.

Conclusion: Experiences of experts, key informants and stakeholders about the quality of educational services and the perceptions and experiences of indigenous norms in this field are very important.


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