A Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge Regarding Malnutrit | 87374

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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A Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge Regarding Malnutrition among Mothers of under Five Children at Selected Area of Guduvancherry

Author(s): AR. Bharathi*


Malnutrition is widely prevalent of among under five children and is still the major problem in our country especially in urban slums.

Objectives: A study was conducted to assess the knowledge among mothers of under five children regarding prevention of malnutrition view to develop health education module. Method: Descriptive survey approach was adopted to collect data. A structured interview schedule was prepared and administered to30 mothers of under five children based on convenient sampling technique at selected area of guduvancherry, chennai.

Result: Regarding the knowledge on malnutrition, 7(23.3%) mothers had inadequate knowledge, 14 (46.7%) mothers had moderate knowledge and 9 (30%) mothers had adequate knowledge. Considering the association of level of knowledge of the mothers with the demographic variables, mother’s education showed significant association (X2=9.8), type of family showed significant association (X2=3.18), and birth space of children also showed significant association (X2=3.9).

Conclusion: It concluded that there was moderate knowledge among the mothers of under five children regarding prevention of Malnutrion & According to association between knowledge and demographic variables, there is significant between the mothers education, type of family, birth spacing of children.

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