A Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Diarrhoea among the Mothers of Underfives in a Selected Rural Area at Trichy
Author(s): P Kalpana and AR Bharathi*
The present study was attempted to assess the knowledge regarding the diarrhoea among mothers of Underfives in a selected rural area at Trichy. Objectives of the study was to assess the level of knowledge regarding diarrhoea among mothers of under-fives and to find out the association between the knowledge regarding diarrhoea with their selected demographic variables such as age, religion, education, occupation, monthly income and type of family. The research approach adopted for the study was descriptive in nature. 30 mothers of under-fives were selected by convenient sampling method and data was collected by semi structured interview schedule. Results of the study revealed that 2(7%) mothers of under-fives have adequate knowledge, 22 (73%) have moderately adequate knowledge and 6(20%) have inadequate knowledge regarding diarrhoea. Chi-square analysis shows that there was significant association found between the knowledge score with education, income, and no significant association was found with age, religion, occupation, type of family and number of children in family.