A Study To Assess Health Profile, Morbidities and Health Ins | 96161

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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A Study To Assess Health Profile, Morbidities and Health Insurance Coverage Amongst Class IV Contractual Employees of DMIMS

Author(s): Prajakta Umbare, Abhishek Joshi*, Himabindu Reddy, Aditya Dhonde, Ashok Mehendale


Background: Contractual labour can be regarded as a multifaceted construct posing as a significantly detrimental public health concern due to its association with raised occupational health risk both at a national as well as international level. It is prevalent worldwide primarily due to the modern capitalist business practices owing to the economic and technological advances of the twentieth century. Although it employs the less favored members of the society, it also abuses them due to their lack of awareness and understanding of areas of law. Despite the fact that labour laws exist to protect workers, their exploitation continues. Insufficient salaries, prolonged work hours, low reimbursement, poor sanitary conditions, a lack of healthcare facilities, as well as health insurance and expensive healthcare costs, are all factors that contribute to the negative consequences of precarious employment. Due to this contractual Class 4 contract laborers/workers are considered as a vulnerable working population. Objectives: This study is planned with a motive to assess the health profile, morbidities and health insurance coverage among the class 4 contractual employees and put forth recommendations to reduce or eliminate the adverse effects that precarious employment has on individuals as well as the society. Methods: This study will be a cross sectional/ observational study, which will be carried out at DMIMS (DU). The class 4 contractual employees will be enrolled as the subjects. Sample size used will be 350. The subjects will undergo screening and medical examination at AVBRH, Sawangi (Meghe). Data will be collected and evaluated. Potential conflicts that may arise will be resolved through discussion. Result: Proper evaluation of accumulated information along with application of relevant statistical tests will contemplate the study results.

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