A Study on 'Prevalence of Coped Overlap in Asthma PatientsHo | 87400

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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A Study on 'Prevalence of Coped Overlap in Asthma PatientsHospital Based Cross Sectional Study'

Author(s): S. Hema Akilandeswari, K. Rajkanth* and J. Sudhakaran


Background: Asthma -COPD Overlap Syndrome (ACOS) is a recently defined terminology characterized by persistent limitation in airflow, which shares features of both Asthma and COPD. ACOS is associated with worse outcomes than either condition alone.

Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study conducted in Government Thanjavur Medical College Hospital in the department of Internal Medicine between October 2017 and July 2018. The patients attending the asthma clinic and the medicine op for medications were enrolled into the study. A total of 80 patients were included. The statistical analyses were performed using Graph pad Prism version 5 software.

Results: In this study it was found that 25 % of the study population had a COPD overlap features. Duration of asthma was found to be a single independent factor associated with the development of COPD overlap in asthmatics in the study population. This study views smoking to have an additive effect in the disease pathology.

Conclusion: The prevalence of ACOS in previously diagnosed Asthma or COPD is more alarmingly increasing. Asthma- COPD overlap is characterised by more frequent exacerbations and complications. There is a critical need to better define the management and treatment of this syndrome.

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