A study on coronary dominance patterns in the human heart an | 1543

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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A study on coronary dominance patterns in the human heart and its clinical significance

Author(s): Damor Bhavana, Tank Kamlesh, Solanki Seema, Kumar Sneha V


Background: Among heart diseases, coronary artery disease is one of the major causes of death in developing countries. Anatomical variations of the coronary arteries are not uncommon. Their recognition, particularly in the patient presenting with angina, is important, as decisions with regard to revascularization procedures depend on knowledge of the anatomy of each individual artery. Coronary predominance in man is determined by the artery that emits the posterior interventricular branch. Thus, dominance can be right, left or balanced circulation. Left dominance seems to be associated with higher mortality due to acute infarction and higher incidence of arteriosclerosis.

Objective: To know the dominance of coronary circulation.

Material and Method: The present study was carried out on 60 specimens of human heart which were obtained from Anatomy department, B. J. Medical College, Ahmedabad. These 60 hearts were dissected to study branching pattern and dominance of coronary arteries.

Result: In present study right dominance was observed in 90% of the specimens and left dominance was observed in 10% of the specimens.

Conclusion: Knowledge of the present study can be helpful to the radiologists and cardiovascular surgeons for anatomical assessment of coronary arteries for various diagnostic and therapeutic purposes to predefine the abnormalities by invasive or non-invasive studies.


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