A study of AgNOR count in FNAC lymphnode in case of lymphadenopathy
Author(s): Vasava Kunjika T, Shah Nayana A, Katara Rajesh K, Desai Nandini J, Damor Virendra M
Background: To study Argyrophilic Nucleolar Organizer Regions (AgNOR) count in FNAC lymph node in case of lymphadenopathy & to differentiate between malignant &non-malignant lesions
Aim: To prove the diagnostic & Prognostic role of AgNOR in tumour pathology & application of AgNOR techniques to non-neoplastic& neoplastic growth & evaluation of AgNOR in cytology of various lesions of lymph nodes.
Materials and Methods: Lymph node FNAC specimens were taken from 150 patients attending pathology department of Shri M.P.Shah Govt. Medical College & GGG hospital, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India during the period of January 2004 to February 2006. FNA of enlarged lymphnode was taken & smears were prepared & fixed in cytofix (50% ethly alcohol) also all smears were stained by H & E(were confirmed) as well as silver nitrate stain. 100 nuclei were assessed for each smear by 100x oil immersion lenses.
Result: In this study a total number of 150 cases were included (80 benign & 70 malignant) in various lesions of lymphnode.
Conclusion: AgNOR count is directly proportional to the severity of neoplastic lesions which increases with ascending grades of malignancy. Also it is a good technique in cytology.