A Life-Cycle Approach to Food and Nutrition Related Knowledge Challenges of Post-Harvest Handling in India
Author(s): AR Bharathi*
Once considered a disease of affluence and industrialized nations, PEM is currently emerging as global health problem which is increasing nearly in every country throughout the world, leading to considerable co-morbidity and increased mortality. In 2015, just two out of every four stunted children lived in south Asia and one in three in sub-Sahara Africa. Globally stunting, declined from two in five to just under one in four between 1990 and 2015, the number of stunted children under-five worldwide declined from 255 million to 156 million. In Tamilanadu the state, despite high education, has a prominent child malnutrition problem. A national family health survey reveals that 23% of children here are underweight, while 25% of Chennai children show moderately stunted growth. Protein malnutrition is determined at any point in file but prenatally has been shown to have significant lifelong effects. During pregnancy, one should aim for a diet that consist at least 20% protein for the health of the foetus. The result of the study can be communicated to community health nurses to create awareness to the public.