A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge of Protein Energ | 87348

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge of Protein Energy Malnutrition among the UnderFive Parents in Alandur Community, Chennai

Author(s): AR. Bharathi*


Aim: of the study will help the nurses to know the level of knowledge of the mothers regarding causes, prevention and management of Protein Energy malnutrition in under five children and emphasis on specific areas of health education to the parents and also communicated to community health nurses to create awareness to the public.

Objectives: To assess the knowledge regarding Protein Energy malnutrition among the under-five mothers in alandur community, find out association between knowledge score and selected demographic variables of under than five mothers in alandur community, and to prepare information booklet about Protein Energy malnutrition.

Methods: A descriptive research approach was used, the sample size consist of 30 under five parents were selected by using convenient sampling technique. Non probability convenience sampling technique was used for collecting data. The level of knowledge among patients was assessed by using self-structured knowledge questionnaires.

Result: the level of knowledge among under five children parents, On the basis of knowledge score 2(7%) had inadequate knowledge, 16(53%) had moderately adequate knowledge and 12(40%) had adequate knowledge.

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