A cross sectional study to determine the tobacco use pattern among school children in central India
Author(s): Aarti Sahsrabudhhe , Jayashri Bute, H.M.Dabhi, V.K.Arora
Background: Despite increasing awareness of the harmful effects of tobacco, the use of tobacco in various forms continues to be significant health risk factors amongst children and youth.
Objective: 1. To assess the prevalence of tobacco usage among school children of rural area. 2. To study the patterns & various determinants of tobacco use in school children.
Methods: Out of 11 schools, 5 were selected randomly from the field practice area of Rural Health Training Centre. A Cross-sectional study was conducted among 409 school children from class VI to class X using a pre-designed & Pre-tested questionnaire to study the factors associated with tobacco use. In the end a health education session was conducted to make all the students aware of health hazards of tobacco.
Results: Prevalence of tobacco use among school children was found to be 13.89%. Among the tobacco users smoking was found in 23 (40.3%) and tobacco chewing in the form of gutkha, pan, naaksa, khaini was found in 29 (51%) and mixed use was seen in 5(8.7%).Peer pressure (47%) and Curiosity about products (30%) were cited as the most common reasons for initiation of tobacco use.65.2% children had observed the warning on the gutkha pouch.
Conclusion: Prevalence of tobacco use among school children was found to be 13.89%.Mandatory health education sessions against tobacco should be held regularly for all school children.