A Cross Sectional Study- Intradermal Versus Intramuscular An | 1369

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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A Cross Sectional Study- Intradermal Versus Intramuscular Anti Rabies Prophylaxis

Author(s): Aggarwal Sumit, Chaugule Rajesh, Haralkar Santosh, Aswar Nandkeshav R, Khandare Kanchan, Kumavat Anjali


Background: Rabies is a disease caused by an RNA virus belonging to the Lyssa virus genus and capable of infecting all mammals. Rabies occurs in more than 150 countries and territories. In India, 20,000 human deaths occur due to rabies each year. Our study was conducted to highlights the economic advantages and compliance of using Intra Dermal (ID) regimen (Updated Thai Regimen) over Intra Muscular (IM) regimen (Essen Regimen).

Objectives: To assess compliance and cost benefits of ID regimen (Updated Thai Regimen) over IM regimen.

Study design: Hospital record based Cross sectional descriptive study.

Methodology: Patients who attended anti rabies vaccination OPD from 1 April, 2010 to 31 March, 2011 for IM regimen (Essen Regimen) and from 1 April, 2011 to 31 March, 2012 for ID regimen (Updated Thai Regimen) were included in study. Data was analyzed by using Epi-info 7 software.

Result: Class II exposure was most prevalent i.e. 72.02% in 2010-11 and 71.07% in 2011-12. In both regimen compliance of treatment was more in males compare to females. Compliance of treatment was more in Update Thai regimen (ID) as compared to Essen regimen, which is statistically significant. Also intradermal regimen found to be cost beneficial over intramuscular regimen.

Conclusion: Use of Intradermal regimen should be promoted over Intramuscular regimen as study shows Intradermal is more compliant and cost benefit.


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