A Comprehensive Survey of Dental Rehabilitation Under General Anaesthesia at a Dental Hospital in Turkey
Author(s): Gulsum Duruk*, Raziye Kuru and Veli Alper Gorgen
Objective: Although families worry about possible complications of dental rehabilitation under general anaesthesia (DRGA), it is a treatment option for children with dental anxiety or special needs. DRGA, one of the indispensable treatment options of dentistry, is especially common in paediatric dentistry. The purpose of this survey was to describe the characteristics of the children receiving DRGA at a faculty of dentistry in Turkey, and to investigate the complications of DRGA and families' approach to the issue.
Methods: 372 children under the age of 16, who underwent DRGA were included. The patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 was formed from healthy children with dental anxiety (n=159), and Group 2 was formed from CSHCN (n=213). The complications during and after DRGA were recorded. A survey was conducted to parents. Results: The mean age of the CSHCN was 7.04 ± 3.02, while the mean age of the healthy children was 4.87 ± 1.87. 1798 teeth extractions, 2450 teeth fillings, 225 pulp amputations, 30 root canal treatments, 396 fissure sealants, 280 fluoride varnish applications, and 204 scaling-polishings were performed in patients under GA. Feeling sleepy from post-operative complications was at the highest percentage (40.3%). 72.6% of the parents had concern about the safety of DRGA.
Conclusions: Conservative dental treatment methods were mostly preferred in healthy children, while dental extraction was preferred for CSHCN. Parents and caregivers should be briefed on DRGA as a treatment option.