A Comparative Study to Assess the Knowledge of Clients Having Diabetic Mellitus about the Control of Blood Sugar and Complication of Un-Control Blood Sugar among Diabetic Client in Age of Above 30 Years Old Living in Nandhivaram Rural Area
Author(s): Nallathai and AR Bharathi*
There are approximately 90% people affected due to diabetic in our countries and many patient go for complication of uncontrolled blood sugar so we take this study to assess the knowledge and improve the client having diabetic about the control of blood sugar and to avoid complication of uncontrolled blood sugar. It is a comparative study, & simple random sampling technique was used. The sample size consist of 20 diabetic mellitus patient living in Nandhivaram rural area at the age group of above 30 years Reveal that in the pre-test majority of subjects 2% had poor knowledge while 60% average knowledge and 32% adequate knowledge 8% people have very good knowledge, and Reveals that in the post, 80% of the samples had acquired very good knowledge and 16% adequate knowledge 4% had average knowledge about control of sugar and complication of un-control blood sugar.